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Enterprise Data Modeling and Analysis of Information Needs

We offer extensive enterprise data modeling consulting and support services, including data modeling training and workshops.
We recommend that two important concepts to be considered when approaching data modeling: generic modeling and convergent modeling.

Generic Modeling

Data modeling can be performed in a passive way by modeling exactly what exists. A more active form of data modeling, commonly employed in mathematics and science, uses a generic model to predict something that was not previously known, or to provide for a circumstance that does not yet exist. Generic models are simpler and easier to understand than ?mirror image? models, and they also answer more questions.

A good example of a generic model is the model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus, which was much simpler than the previous model and yet accounted for perceived phenomena in a more satisfactory way. Similarly, the data modeler consistently looks for more simple and elegant solutions that will stand the test of time, are cheaper to implement and maintain, and that anticipate the changes that the organization will undergo.

Generic models that have been successfully used by other organizations can be adopted as patterns. Such published patterns make useful starting-points or building blocks for a new data model. Many of our clients in the State of California have used our services to take advantage of generic model patterns in a number of areas such as human resources, cashiering, and demographics.

Convergent Modeling

Sometimes entities may at first appear to be different, yet with a closer look they are seen to have similar attributes and to behave in similar ways. For example, ORDER, REQUEST and PROPOSAL behave in very similar ways regarding fees, requirements and inventory needs.

If the data model could combine these different entities into one entity or supertype, then the functions to manipulate these entities could also be combined. Such combination of entities is called convergent modeling. The result is a reduction in the number of entities and programs, which then translates into applications that are cheaper to develop and maintain. For large-scale projects, or enterprise data modeling, convergent modeling assists greatly in the integration and reusability of data.

For more on our enterprise data modeling services or data modeling training, please contact us.

Renee Taylor Consulting
Tel. 1 (530) 692 2000
Based in Sacramento
Serving California State government clients, other public sector and corporate clients internationally

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